Dr. Md. Musa Khan
Associate Professor
Department of Statistics
(ID: 5320102001)
Degree Name | Group/Major Subject | Board/Institute | Country | Passing Year |
SSC | Science | Jashore | Bangladesh | 1996 |
HSC | Science | Jashore | Bangladesh | 1998 |
B. Sc (Honors) | Statistics | University of Chittagong | Bangladesh | 2002 (Held in 2005) |
MS | Statistics | University of Chittagong | Bangladesh | 2003 (Held in 2007) |
Ph.D | Statistics | Anadolu University | Turkey | 2018( 12, March) |
Title | Organization | Location | From Date | To Date |
Lecturer of Statistics (Department of Business Administration) | International Islamic University of Chittagong (IIUC) | Chattogram, Bangladesh | 23-02-2008 | 28-12-2012 |
Assistant Professor of Statistics (Department of Business Administration) | International Islamic University of Chittagong (IIUC) | Chattogram, Bangladesh | 29-12-2012 | 18-07-2018 |
Associate Professor of Statistics (Departemt of Business Administration) | International Islamic University of Chittagong (IIUC) | Chattogram, Bangladesh | 19-07-2018 | 27-02-2021 |
Associate Professor of Statistics (Department of Economics & Banking) | International Islamic University of Chittagong (IIUC) | Chattogram, Bangladesh | 28-02-2021 | 12-06-2024 |
Associate Professor of Statistics (Department of Statistics) | Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Science & Technology University, Pirojpur | Pirojpur, Bangladesh | 19-06-2024 | Present |
Chairman | Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Science and Technology University, Pirojpur | Department of Statistics | 01-07-2024 | Present |
Proctor | Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Science and Technology University, Pirojpur | Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Science and Technology University, Pirojpur | 15-10-2024 | -------- |
Research Interest
Subject | Description | Research Interest (Goal, Target Indicator) |
Demography: Demography, the statistical study of populations, examines the dynamics of population size, composition, distribution, and the socio-economic factors influencing these trends. It encompasses areas such as fertility, mortality, migration, aging, and population policies, providing insights into how populations evolve over time. | Demography, the statistical study of populations, examines the dynamics of population size, composition, distribution, and the socio-economic factors influencing these trends. It encompasses areas such as fertility, mortality, migration, aging, and population policies, providing insights into how populations evolve over time. | My research interests lie at the intersection of statistical modeling and demographic phenomena, focusing on analyzing population trends, forecasting demographic changes, and studying their implications on public policy and socio-economic development. I am particularly intrigued by the interplay between demographic variables and their impact on education, healthcare, urbanization, and sustainable development. By employing advanced statistical techniques and interdisciplinary approaches, I aim to contribute to evidence-based policymaking and a deeper understanding of population dynamics in diverse contexts. |
Sample Survey ( Web Survey):The field of sample surveys has undergone a transformative shift with the integration of digital technologies, making web-based surveys a prominent tool for data collection. Web surveys are characterized by their ability to reach diverse populations efficiently, reduce data collection costs, and enable real-time analysis. However, they also present unique challenges such as sample representativeness, response bias, and data security. These factors necessitate innovative approaches to survey design, sampling strategies, and data validation techniques. | The field of sample surveys has undergone a transformative shift with the integration of digital technologies, making web-based surveys a prominent tool for data collection. Web surveys are characterized by their ability to reach diverse populations efficiently, reduce data collection costs, and enable real-time analysis. However, they also present unique challenges such as sample representativeness, response bias, and data security. These factors necessitate innovative approaches to survey design, sampling strategies, and data validation techniques. | My research is focused on advancing methodologies for web-based sample surveys. I am particularly interested in: Developing adaptive sampling techniques to enhance representativeness in web surveys. Investigating the impact of digital survey design elements on response rates and data quality. Addressing challenges related to bias, nonresponse, and digital divide in web-based survey populations. Leveraging machine learning and big data analytics to improve the accuracy and efficiency of survey estimates. Through this research, I aim to contribute to the development of robust frameworks that enhance the reliability and applicability of web survey methodologies in diverse fields such as public health, education, social sciences, and market research. |
Econometrics: Econometrics is a powerful branch of economics that combines statistical techniques and mathematical models to analyze economic data. | My research focuses on the development and application of econometric models to address key economic and social issues. This includes studying the relationships between macroeconomic variables, forecasting economic trends, and assessing policy impacts. I am particularly interested in employing advanced econometric methods such as time-series analysis, panel data models, and causal inference techniques to uncover insights from complex datasets. | My research interests lie in exploring advanced econometric methodologies for solving contemporary economic challenges. I am particularly focused on time-series analysis, panel data econometrics, and causal inference techniques. I aim to contribute to areas such as policy evaluation, economic forecasting, and leveraging econometrics to provide actionable insights into complex economic systems. |
Business Research: Business Statistics encompasses the application of statistical tools and techniques to analyze, interpret, and solve business-related problems. It integrates quantitative methods to support decision-making, optimize processes, and enhance organizational performance. Key areas include data modeling, predictive analytics, forecasting, and statistical quality control, enabling businesses to harness the power of data for strategic growth. | Business Statistics encompasses the application of statistical tools and techniques to analyze, interpret, and solve business-related problems. It integrates quantitative methods to support decision-making, optimize processes, and enhance organizational performance. Key areas include data modeling, predictive analytics, forecasting, and statistical quality control, enabling businesses to harness the power of data for strategic growth. | My primary research interest lies in the intersection of statistical methods and business applications, particularly in the context of enhancing decision-making processes within organizations. I am keen on exploring advanced statistical models for predictive analytics, risk management, and business forecasting. Additionally, I am interested in investigating the role of data visualization and machine learning in improving business performance and operational efficiency. By leveraging statistical techniques, I aim to contribute to solving complex challenges faced by businesses in areas such as supply chain optimization, customer behavior analysis, and financial modeling. |
Project/Research Supervision
Level of Study | Title | Supervisor | Co-Supervisor(s) | Name of Student(s) | Area of Research | Current Completion |
Undergraduate | --- | Dr. Md. Musa Khan | ---- | ---- | Business | 100 |
Project/Research Work
Subject | Project Name | Source of Fund | From Date | To Date | Collaboration |
SL | Collaboration & Membership Name | Type | Membership Year | Expire Year |
1. | General Member | Bangladesh Statistical Association | 2019 | 2023 |
2. | Lifetime Member | CU Statistical Association | 2018 | till to date |
Journal :
SlNO | Publication Details | Online Link | PDF/File |
1 | Dr. Md. Musa Khan, WEB PANEL SURVEYS – A CHALLENGE FOR OFFICIAL STATISTICS IN BANGLADESH, Jilin Daxue Xuebao (Gongxueban)/Journal of Jilin University , Jilin University 42, 3, 193-202, 0.263, | DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/9PWRV | Download |
2 | Dr. Md. Musa Khan, Opportunities and Challenges for Official Statistics in Digital Bangladesh, Journal of South Asian Studies, EScience press 11, 1, 47-60, 1.0, | https://scholar.google.com/citations?view_op=view_citation&hl=en&user=Te22HcsAAAAJ&citation_for_view=Te22HcsAAAAJ:u_35RYKgDlwC | Download |
3 | Dr. Md. Musa Khan, Macroeconomic factors affecting carbon dioxide emissions in Bangladesh: an ARDL approach , Energy Policy Journal, Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences 26, 3, 27-46, 3.4, | DOI: 10.33223/epj/166437 | Download |
4 | Dr. Md. Musa Khan, Factors Influencing the Profitability of Non-Bank Financial Institutions in Bangladesh: A Statistical Analysis , The Seybold Report, Seybold Publications 18, 108, 521-540, 0.5, | https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Md-Khan-159/publication/374059948_FACTORS_INFLUENCING_THE_PROFITABILITY_OF_NON-BANK_FINANCIAL_INSTITUTIONS_IN_BANGLADESH_A_STATISTICAL_ANALYSIS/links/650bc6c2c05e6d1b1c1f27e1/FACTORS-INFLUENCING-THE-PROFITABILITY-OF-NON-BANK-FINANCIAL-INSTITUTIONS-IN-BANGLADESH-A-STATISTICAL-ANALYSIS.pdf | Download |
5 | Dr. Md. Musa Khan, Optimizing the Web Surveys in Research: Methodological Considerations and Validity Aspects, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, IJRSI 11, 4, 75-105, 2.305, | https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Md-Khan-159/publication/380159372_Optimizing_Web_Surveys_in_Research_Methodological_Considerations_and_Validity_Aspects/links/662e41a408aa54017ac8b8ab/Optimizing-Web-Surveys-in-Research-Methodological-Considerations-and-Validity-Aspects.pdf | Download |
6 | Dr. Md. Musa Khan, Healthcare Indicators and the Poverty Nexus in Bangladesh: A Statistical Analysis, International Business Education Journal, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris 17, 1, 49-66, 3, | https://doi.org/10.37134/ibej.Vol17.1.5.2024 | Download |
7 | Dr. Md. Musa Khan, Propensity Score Adjustment (PSA) Weighting Technique for Reducing Bias in Web Panel Surveys , IIUC Studies, IIUC 20, 1, 40-50, 1, | https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Md-Khan-159/publication/369170131_WEB_PANEL_SURVEYS_-A_CHALLENGE_FOR_OFFICIAL_STATISTICS_IN_BANGLADESH/links/640cb90b66f8522c38996a7d/WEB-PANEL-SURVEYS-A-CHALLENGE-FOR-OFFICIAL-STATISTICS-IN-BANGLADESH.pdf?origin=journalDetail&_tp=eyJwYWdlIjoiam91cm5hbERldGFpbCJ9 | Download |
8 | Mohammad Manjur Alam, Dr. Razaul karim,, Dr. Md. Musa Khan,Shahidul Islam Khan, Arif Billah, Levels, Trends, and Differentials of Natural Births and Caesarean Births in Chittagong, Bangladesh, Journal of Health, Medical, and Nursing, IISTE 69, 3, 23-30, 3.0, | https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Mohammad-Alam-84/publication/338295012_Levels_Trends_and_Differentials_of_Natural_Births_and_Caesarean_Births_in_Chittagong_Bangladesh/links/5e0c9723299bf10bc3878ba5/Levels-Trends-and-Differentials-of-Natural-Births-and-Caesarean-Births-in-Chittagong-Bangladesh.pdf | Download |
9 | Dr. Md. Musa Khan, Post-stratification Weighting Adjustment Technique for Reducing Bias in Volunteer Panel Web Surveys, International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Research , www.researchpublish.com 6, 2, 720-724, 4.31, | https://www.researchgate.net/publication/337972747 | Download |
10 | Dr. Md. Musa Khan, Comparison of Selection Methods of a Membership Function for Fuzzy Neural Networks, International Journal of Case Studies, Case Study Journal 6, 11, 71-77, 3.582, | https://www.researchgate.net/publication/337972815_Comparison_of_Selection_Method_of_a_Membership_Function_for_Fuzzy_Neural_Networks | Download |
11 | Dr. Md. Musa Khan, Life Table Analysis of Child Survival of Under-Five Age (0-59 Months) Children in Bangladesh , International Journal of Research in Sociology and Anthropology (IJRSA), IJRSA 3, 3, 6-15, 7.79, | http://dx.doi.org/10.20431/2454-8677.0303002 | Download |
12 | Mohammad Rahim Uddin, Abdullahil Mamun, Almoustapha Oumarou Soumana and Md. Musa Khan, Factors and Predictors of International Student’s Satisfaction in Turkey, Educational Process: International Journal, Universit Park 6, 2, 43-52, 0.5, | DOI: 10.22521/edupij.2017.62.4 | Download |
13 | Md. Shahnur Azad Chowdhury, Md. Musa Khan, Sultana Akter, Corruption from an Islamic Perspective and the Roles of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to Control It, EJBM &Islamic Management and Business, IIEST 5, 11, 36-43, 1, | https://iiste.org/Journals/index.php/EJBM/article/view/5422/5539 | Download |
14 | Abdul Hamid Chowdhury , Mohammad Emdad Hossian , Md. Musa Khan , Mohammad Nazmul Hoq, COX’S Proportional Hazard Model Analysis of Child Survival in Bangladesh, Asian Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities , Elsevier 2, 2, 608-618, 1.023, | Download | |
15 | Abdul Hamid Chowdhury, Mohammad Nazmul Hoq, Mohammad Emdad Hossain , Md. Musa Khan, Factors Affecting Age at First Marriage among Female Adolescents in Bangladesh, Research on Humanities and Social Sciences, IISTE 3, 9, 131-139, 5.45, | https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Md-Khan-159/publication/324330789_Factors_Affecting_an_Age_at_First_Marriage_among_Female_Adolescents_in_Bangladesh/links/5df88ba092851c8364831f7e/Factors-Affecting-an-Age-at-First-Marriage-among-Female-Adolescents-in-Bangladesh.pdf | Download |
16 | Mohammad Rokibul Kabir , Md. Hafiz Ullah and Md. Musa Khan, Comparative Analysis of Profit Rate of Islamic Banks on Investment (ROI) and Fixed Rate of Interest on Loan of Conventional Banks in Bangladesh, World Journal of Social Sciences, Elsevier 2, 6, 39-48, 0.3, | https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Md-Khan-159/publication/337972837_Comparative_Analysis_of_Profit_Rate_of_Islamic_Banks_on_Investment_ROI_and_Fixed_Rate_of_Interest_on_Loan_of_Conventional_Banks_in_Bangladesh/links/5df88ea44585159aa4830951/Comparative-Analysis-of-Profit-Rate-of-Islamic-Banks-on-Investment-ROI-and-Fixed-Rate-of-Interest-on-Loan-of-Conventional-Banks-in-Bangladesh.pdf | Download |
17 | Md. Musa Khan , Mohammad Emdad Hossain & Mohammad Nazmul Hoq , Determinants of Contraception Use among Female Adolescents in Bangladesh, Asian Social Science, Elsevier 8, 12, 181-191, 0.694, | https://d1wqtxts1xzle7.cloudfront.net/73357049/318cc6c65c21542a428bec73c205802caade-libre.pdf?1634880634=&response-content-disposition=inline%3B+filename%3DDeterminants_of_Contraception_Use_among.pdf&Expires=1732814184&Signature=HSYIkQgDbpcOccofWR~-mznA1ImQrNvEGLNVqsK27faF9m8tbfNSUsC0d~K0NJR7FsyF7PKVgWHmeQia1AqrwxqblggGszOQjpdsSfkyKsQsRYmRkW3767KYxz6n2WaFVPeOEvjjaST9EQmCfmemPiEW4KnCmrHoZKmJW9rcq-lq0ZQlfWle78u8NOFlUQEa40WG54xOqsI-z7Ty5ZC8O~zZRIhaTYTCAU2zt7~dHABlhiejNkvMKGO8Zt4NMthQ0V3F12kUt26SSHpCM9yXZy5tRRnCmhr9WFkfykhdy622eYyrn~3-SWerqQOTvr1W~4SYFkqJGBcm4HCdhzOnYA__&Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA | Download |
18 | Md. Musa Khan , Mohammad Emdad Hossain & Mohammad Nazmul Hoq , Child Survival in a Developing Country: A Statistical Analysis, International Research Journal of Computing and Business, ---- 1, 8, 21-44, --, | --- | Download |
19 | Sheikh Sirajul Isalm, Md. Musa Khan, & Mohammad Emdad Hossain, PPS Stratified Two Stage Sampling Technique for Assessment of Village Forest Resources in Bangladesh, International Journal of Statistics & System, ---- 6, 4, 507-514, ---, | https://www.researchgate.net/publication/380344231_PPS_Stratified_Two_Satge_Sampling_Technique_for_Assessment_of_Village_Forest_Resources_in_Bangladesh/link/6636575d35243041536144b2/download?_tp=eyJjb250ZXh0Ijp7ImZpcnN0UGFnZSI6InB1YmxpY2F0aW9uIiwicGFnZSI6InB1YmxpY2F0aW9uIn19 | Download |
20 | Zerrin Asan Greenacre & Md. Musa Khan , Educational Use of Social Networking Sites in Higher Education: A Case Study on Anadolu University Open Education System", 10th International Statistics Congress (ISC2017), Turkish Statistical Association, and Ankara University, Turkey, -- ---, ---, ---, ---, | --- | Download |
Conference :
SLNO | Publication Details | Online Link | PDF/File |
1 | Zerrin Asan Greenacre & Md. Musa Khan , Using Statistical Techniques for Internet Surveys, International Conference on Advances in Statistics (ICAS 2017), Finland, ---- ---, ----, ----, ----, | ---- | Download |
2 | Zerrin Asan Greenacre & Md. Musa Khan , The Weighting Adjustment Techniques for Internet Surveys: An Application, International Conference on Computational and Statistical Methods in Applied Sciences, Samsun, Turkey, ---- ---, ---, ----, ----, | ---- | Download |
3 | Marwa Ghoul & Md. Musa Khan , Political Risk and Foreign Direct Investment in Tunisia: The Case of the Services Sector, 10th International Statistics Congress (ISC2017), Turkish Statistical Association and Ankara University, Turkey, --- ---, ---, ---, ---, | ---- | Download |
Book Chapter :
SLNO | Publication Details | Online Link | PDF/File |
Book :
SLNO | Publication Details | Online Link | PDF/File |
Award Type | Title | Year | Country | Description |
Research Travel Grant Award | For presenting paper on International Conference on Advances in Statistics (ICAS 2017) | 2017 | Finland | . |
Research Travel Grant Award | Presenting a paper on International Conference on Computational and Statistical Methods in Applied Sciences | 2017 | Samsun, Turkey | Organized by the Ondokuz Mayıs University , Department of Statistics. |
Research Travel Grant Award | Presenting a paper on 10th International Statistics Congress (ISC2017) | 2017 | Ankara, Turkey | Organized by Turkish Statistical Association, and Ankara University, Turkey. |
Research Travel Grant Award | Presenting a paper and as a session chair on 10th International Statistics Congress (ISC2017) | 2017 | Ankara, Turkey | Organized by Turkish Statistical Association, and Ankara University, Turkey. |
Research Grant as a Principal Investigator (PI) | For conducting extensive computational research entitled "Comapring the Weighting Adjusment Techniques for Reducing Bias in Volunteer Oanel Web Surveys" | 2015-2017 | Turkey | This research grant has been awarded as a PI by the Faculty of Sciences, Anadolu University, Turkey. |
Turkiye Scholarship Award ( Türkiye Bursları) | For pursuing Ph.D research at the Faculty of Sciences, Anadolu University, Turkey. | 2013-2018 | Turkey | This award has been awarded by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology funded by the government of Turkiye.. |
ERUSMUS+ Scholarship Award | For prusuing Ph.D at University of Kaiserslautern, Germany | 2016-2018 | Kaiserslautern, Germany | This scholarship has been awarded by EU programme for education, training, youth and sport. |
Faculty Scholarship (Science) award | For promoting the study of M.S. in Statistics at University of Chittagong (CU) | 2002 | Bangladesh | This scholarship has been awarded due to the academic excellence in the result of B.Sc. Honours in Staistics by the Faculty of Science, University of Chittagong(CU), Chattogram, Bangladesh.. |
Dr. Md. Musa Khan
Associate Professor
Department of Statistics
Cell Phone:
Email: musa_stat@yahoo.com